(working with startups and setting up our own venture, the following has always been a good reminder)
If you are setting up/ running the business and going through shitty times, do remember,
“अगर धंधा करना इतना ही आसान होता,
तोह हर कोई कर लेता!
Having worked with many entrepreneurs in the last few years, the following still remains true:
We spend too much time making the right dish but too less a time in attracting first 100 customers to our restaurant.
The biggest fallacy:
Are we are living in a world, where if you love making pizza, (some) people want you to turn it into the franchise business where you would be making lots of paisa but not probably the pizza (which essentially was your love in the first place)!
We seem to be associating “only” big with beautiful. No?
Predicting what’s going to change is much more difficult than answering what’s not going to change in the next 5/10/15 years.
We seem to be screwing up over and over again on fundamentals while chasing the fancy.
“I don’t like better experience” – NO Customer Said, EVER!
Until you have the better Biryani,
the last best Biryani that you had is always going to be the best Biryani in the world, for you!
The same is true for the product and service that you are selling.
The essence of progress lies in “getting comfortable”
with being uncomfortable!
(probably) the essence lies in facing fear fearlessly!
“कागज़ का टुकड़ा अपने नसीब से उड़ता है,
और कागज़ की पतंग., अपनी काबिलियत से!”
Burning is easy!
You know what’s tough?
Words to tell yourself when you had a sleepless night,
If you are complaining that GOD has not given you much, just check your Wardrobe, Shoe Rack & Phone Bills for the last 6 months!
Happy Realisation.
Do Not Confuse Motion with Progress!
In a rapidly changing world where we all are going gaga over data, where the prediction for “future” is being drawn by analysing the “past”,
we are ASSUMING that the future is going to behave as the past!
The so-called assumption, the so-called RISK!
Until I KNOW you, you are going to be attractive and not beautiful.
Beauty is in the heart and not on the face.
Nop, not your beard, nor that bullet makes you a man!
Your behaviour, sure in hell, does!
पहले देश सो रहा था.
अभी, देश डिबेट कर रहा है!
तोह फिर, देश तरक्की कब करेगा?
जब, देश “काम” करेगा!

Self Awareness is probably the most undervalued, the most under-hyped and (somehow) the most ignored virtue out there!

When in doubt (for dinner), always follow the PPP model!
– PaniPuri (followed by Dahi Puri)
– Pizza (of course cheese burst)
– Pastry (red velvet, who doesn’t like it) #KoiSaBhiHashtagLagaDoExceptFoodgasmAndWhatNot
The crazy thing about monsoon:
it may spoil your health!
it definitely spoils your shoes!!

(while not at all undermining the talent of Pawan Negi)
The most amazing pic to circulate during the placement season.
This one should remind each and every one of us that no stupid number, not even that salary package, can justify your talent or what you are capable of!
‘Uncertainty’ is the craziest thing to live with!
If managed well, it turns into ‘Opportunity’,
If not, ‘turns into ‘anxiety’!
Don’t Just Change!
“Dreaming” is easy!
Anyone and everyone can do it!
“Discipline” is tough!
You can aspire for it, but can’t achieve it until you act on it every single time!
Until you’ll go far, you’ll never realise how close you were!
ज़िंदगी की उल्जनो मैं हम इतने ना उलझ जाए,
के हम यही भूल जाए,
ज़िंदगी तो जीने के लिए है,
काटने के लिए नहीं!